Saturday, October 11, 2014

Hampshire Puja and Cultural Association Kali Puja Celebration

Hampshire Puja and Cultural Association Kali Puja Celebration 

Dear All,

Following the success of last year's Kali Pujo, we are very pleased to announce that we will be celebrating Kali Pujo again this year with a brand new Kali idol on Saturday 18th of October in the Hilitingbury Scout Hall.

The fixed donation amount for this year will be £30 per family and £15 per single adult.
The committee has decided that families who have contributed £130 or more during Durga Puja 2014 are exempt from making this donation. However, it is upto those individual families if they would like to contribute any further. Indeed we are looking for a few sponsors who could help us with any part of the event. Please contact us if you are interested in sponsoring.

A home cooked non-vegetarian dinner, with some vegetarian options, will be served after the puja at around 9PM.

As food will be prepared in house, it is very important for us to get confirmed attendance and donation in advance to help us plan and prepare for the day effectively. So that we are able to cater for all confirmed guests, we will be unable to accept any booking for food on the day.

Please could we request you to inform us as soon as possible about your attendance, and your friends who are not on this list but would like to join. Due to the limited capacity of the hall, bookings will be taken on a first come first served basis.

The deadline for booking food for the puja is Saturday 11th of October.
Money can be donated by bank transfer. Account Number: 13088979, Sort Code: 20-79-25 Bank: Barclays. Name: Hampshire Puja and Cultural Association.

This year there will be a singing session of Shyama Sangeet by the participants of the puja. Please let us know if you are interested in joining the singing group.
6PM : Puja starts (All should aim to arrive at this time.) 
7PM : Fireworks 
8PM : Anjali (Prayer)
8:30PM: Shyama Sangeet 
9PM : Bhog (dinner)

Best wishes, Sujit

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